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President's Project

Loads of Dignity

What this Project means to me

I have chosen Loads of Dignity as the Club President's Project for the 2022-2024 term because being homeless in a small town is a real thing that is happening in our communities now.

I cannot imagine and hope I never find out how it truly feels but listening to the stories that Stephani shares about her clients and their struggles is heartbreaking. It is especially difficult when it involves children being homeless.

If we can help restore dignity by helping families wash their clothing then we should! Having our washers and dryers is a modern convenience that everybody should have yet they don't.

For whatever reason somebody is homeless they still deserve dignity and our understanding. I hope you join us in restoring dignity one load at a time.


Sarah Fryer - President 

About Loads of Dignity 

Many of us don’t think twice about getting a clean towel out of the cupboard before stepping into our shower or putting on freshly laundered clothing retrieved from our closets. Too many of our neighbors do not have this convenience and think of this as being a “luxury.”

Loads of Dignity provide services to homeless and low-income neighbors 6 days a week. Services are made available by appointment only and need to be made at least 24 hours ahead of time.  All appointments are made by the day and not the hour. When a day is chosen, they will have from 9 am to 7 pm to come in to wash their laundry.

To alleviate stress and eliminate the need for our guests to choose between clean clothes or spending their money on gas and food, they provide a variety of types of laundry detergent, fabric softener, quarters, and hygiene bags for both adults and children. They also offer shower vouchers and will provide towels for guests to keep upon request.
No documentation is needed to use the services Loads of Dignity provide.

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Contact Us For More Information

Local Level


P.O. Box 1106 

Hamilton, MT 59840


President Carole Steigerwalt

Phone: (484)225-7453

Email Us Here​


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GFWC BWC is a 501 (c) (3) organization.  Your contribution may be claimed as a charitable deduction for tax purposes.

Please consult your tax preparer to determine the appropriate amount to  deduct. EIN 86-1407337

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© 2024 by GFWC Bitterroot Woman's Club, Member Created

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