GFWC Bitterroot Woman's Club

Western District Scholarship
2024 Scholarship Applications (NOT OPEN YET)
GFWC Montana Western District Scholarship. This $500 scholarship is sponsored by the GFWC Western District Clubs, it is available to any woman who is a legal resident or recent high school graduate of Lincoln, Flathead, Lake, Sanders, Mineral, Missoula, Granite, Powell, Deer Lodge, Ravalli, or Beaverhead counties in Montana and is entering her 2nd year or higher studies. She may be enrolled in any institute of higher education in Montana: including technical programs, two-year schools, or four-year schools, whether studying online or on campus by no later than March 1, 2024.
Must be emailed by March 1st to Linda Stephani:
The applicant must be a woman who is a legal resident or recent high school graduate of Lincoln, Flathead, Lake, Sanders, Mineral, Missoula, Granite, Powell, Deer Lodge, Ravalli, or Beaverhead counties in Montana.
Entering her 2nd year or higher of studies in any institute of higher education in Montana including: technical programs, two-year schools, or four-year schools, whether studying online or on campus.
Grade point average must be 2.5 or above as of the last year of school.
Each applicant must demonstrate financial need.
Information needed for this application :
Scholarship application completed in full
Transcript from first year completed (need not be an official transcript)
Two letters of recommendation from a teacher or someone who knows you well (other than a family member) is acceptable
A personal statement, not to exceed one typed page, including the following:
Your educational goals​
Your plans upon graduation
Financial need including: Cost of tuition (available from your school); your work situation; living situation (with parents, spouse, single parent, children); other awards/scholarships expected
Any additional information you feel the committee should know